Sunday, October 18, 2015

I Will

I've spent this month compiling all of my notes and preparing a timeline for the historical fiction novel I will be writing my first draft for this November. 
I've been writing character bios and fact checking actual events in history. I've been learning proper slang terms in various time periods and writing detailed notes on proper attire for the 1830's on to modern times. 

I've been working my creative butt off all while packing up the house and preparing to move almost 1,700 miles away. 

Then I found out I was pregnant. 

I've wanted to be a "real" writer for so many years. I'm not stopping now. I will keep writing. Even if I don't hit my goal word count by Nov. 30th, I will keep writing. 
Then will come the editing, the proof reads, the begging people to read it for feedback, the re-editing, the locking it up in a desk for however many months it needs to rest, and then the re-read with fresh eyes. All while juggling three kids, another move, a new house, and a new life. 

Maybe something will come of it. Maybe it won't. But I just want to get this story out of my head. I want to bring life to the characters I already know. Even if no one else will ever meet them. 

I want to be able to say, "hey, I wrote a book once..." 

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Novel November

It's official. I'm writing a novel in the month of November. I have 25 days to go through the piles and piles of notes I've been keeping, fact check my timeline, and organize my thoughts all while packing up and moving. Yay.

Alas, the NaNoWriMo 2015 project waits for no one. From November 1st through November 30th, I have to write a 50,000 word first draft. I might be insane to choose my far more complicated plot idea, which will require historically accurate facts and will likely exceed 50,000 words, as opposed to the simpler-to-write story that I have been working on for over 5 years. But I'm taking advantage of the built in childcare I will have this November (thanks family!) to attempt the more complicated tale. 

One of the first steps to this project is to announce my intention, so that I will be subjected to the well deserved mockery of everyone who reads this should I fail. So here it is. I'm writing a novel this fall. If you see me around, ask how many words I have written so far. Chase me back into my cave with a lit torch until I have written an acceptable number of words. 

And so, I begin my journey towards becoming a caffeine-addled penmonkey!

Currently reading: Vanity Fair by William Makepeace Thackery